【Staff Pick!】2002 James Tyler Studio Elite HD (Arctic Mint Shmear)

*English follows!







2002年製 James Tyler Studio Elite HD (Arctic Mint Shmear)です。









“Wilkinson VS100”ブリッジ!!!



個人的な話にはなりますが、Wilkinsonブリッジが非常に好きで自分のストラトにもWilkinsonが載っていたりします。(Tyler modストラトにならったためVSVGですが…)


ピックアップはフロントとセンターにはDiMarzio DP407が搭載されており、DuncanやLindy搭載のこの時期のStudio EliteにくらべややHi-Fiでコンプ感のある印象です。


リアピックアップはR Hot Retroに変更されており、近年のTylerを彷彿とさせるハイエンドなサウンドです。ハイゲイン系のリードでもローエンドがタイトでぼやけずに音が飛んでいきます。

そしてMid Boostをかますとフロントとミドルは芯の見えるハムバッカーのようになります、もう文句のないリードトーンが得られます。








Hello friends!


My pick for today is…

2002 James Tyler Studio Elite HD (Arctic Mint Shmear)


Here’s a good looking Studio Elite. I wowed at it when it came in.

There is no same pattern on Tyler’s Shmear finishes, and this one has a little more green than usual. It’s got a lot of that sparkle which is prominent in early-00’s Elites and it’s just beautiful.


What got me the most with this guitar is the Wilkinson VS100 bridge.

Tylers had Seymour Duncans or DiMarzio pickups up until the mid-era, and what was crucial to that aggressive tone was the Wilkinson bridge.

These bridges have a good weight giving longer sustain and richer tone, so the rhythm tone on the out-of-phase positions and lead tones sound awesome.

I personally love these bridges and even have one installed in my Strat.


The bridge and middle pickups are DiMarzio DP407s, which have slightly more compression and broader frequency range than other Elites of this era that tend to have Lindy Fralins or Seymour Duncans. Activate the mid-boost and they sound like humbuckers that still have some edginess.

The bridge pickup has been changed to “R Hot Retro” and has that “boutique” tone that have a tight low-end that won’t lose clarity even when driven hard. Hit that mid-boost and it feels like you’ve all of a sudden added another speaker cabinet to your rig. It’s huge. The neck and middle single-coils and the bridge humbucker are all well-balanced volume-wise and tone-wise.


If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind, user-friendly guitar, we’ve got you covered.


Come see for yourself here at Nico-Nico Guitars!


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